
Dating Quotes from the Prophets

Dating Quotes from the Prophets

One of the best things about being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is how we are led, guided, and directed by modern day prophets and modern revelation. Over the many years of restoration, much guidance has been given to the single members. I am sure I could create 100s of articles with this title that review quality dating and relationship-oriented quotes for singles. In this little article I will review some good quotes I am aware of, along with a few thoughts on

2023-01-14 Randy Gilchrist
Fear of Missing Out—FOMO

Fear of Missing Out—FOMO

In the 1960s-70s, the classic game show “Let’s Make a Deal” put contestants in a challenging spot. Audience members were invited to make a tough decision: they could have and retain a decent prize shown to them, or choose an alternative prize or two that was hiding behind a curtain, a door, or some other concealment. Here lied the dilemma: do they stay with the known desirable prize, or do they roll the dice and choose one of the unknown options? Perhaps that unknown prize is much better, like

2023-01-08 Randy Gilchrist Dating
Having Hope

Having Hope

Faith, the first principle of the gospel, is defined in the scriptures as follows: Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (JST Hebrews 11:1). So having hope is an essential element of faith. Furthermore, to have hope is defined in the Google dictionary as, “a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.” Now, why would having hope be an important principle for singles in the church to possess? Because if you are single and want to

2022-12-31 Randy Gilchrist Psychological health


An important thing to keep in mind as a single person is, “is ____ trait about me attractive or repelling”? If a trait is repelling, it will effectively keep people away from you and make beginning and sustaining a relationship a challenging endeavor. Conversely, the more attractive things you have about yourself, the more relationship opportunities you will have, as well as a greater ability for these relationships to be lasting or even lead to marriage. One trait I invite you to consider

2022-12-19 Randy Gilchrist
Mixed Message with Attractiveness

Mixed Message with Attractiveness

At church we learn the valuable message that how you look really doesn’t matter, especially in an eternal sense. Yet as single adults the message is also sent to date, have relationships, and marry—hopefully in the temple now or later. That marriage is created by God and that is what we need to be searching for and living. The thing is, marriage and physical intimacy requires mutual physical attraction, among other things. So, is there a contradiction there in those 2 ideas of inner worth and

2022-12-11 Randy Gilchrist Dating
Gendered Language: Dr. Deborah Tannen

Gendered Language: Dr. Deborah Tannen

In 1990, Dr. Deborah Tannen came out with an interesting and useful research-based book, You Just Don’t Understand: Women and Men in Conversation. The ideas are pretty useful in this book, so I thought I would review a few of the main ideas. Deborah Tannen is a top and longtime expert in linguistics and gender differences from Georgetown University. As a researcher and an author, she shares several useful ideas in her book regarding the main differences between how men and women primarily

2022-12-04 Randy Gilchrist Understanding men, Understanding women, Dating
Love Languages

Love Languages

In 1992, a book was published with some helpful and user-friendly information for marriages and couple relationships in general. The book is called: The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate by Gary Chapman. In this article, some key ideas will be shared from The Five Love Languages, along with some opinions and suggestions for how to implement these ideas. Whenever a book comes out that is still talked about and utilized 3 decades later, the ideas must have

2022-11-20 Randy Gilchrist
Men and Women—Why the Animosity?

Men and Women—Why the Animosity?

It is interesting. I have been doing psychotherapy with individuals, couples, and families since 1997. Over these many years I have seen numerous trends and developments, some good and some not so good. One trend that I would say has gone from bad to worse is the general relationships today between men and women. With each passing month and year, it seems the general animosity, resentment, suspicion, blame, and misunderstanding between both sides has gotten worse and worse. Why is this and what

2022-11-12 Randy Gilchrist Dating, Conflict resolution
The Contrast Effect: Hurting Attraction

The Contrast Effect: Hurting Attraction

The internet has been great for many things: temple work, instant and convenient communications around the world, instantaneous access to information on most any subject, automation for businesses, and so many other things. However, the internet has also resulted in a number of new technology based problems. One notable problem primarily resulting from the internet and technology is called “the contrast effect”. Basically the relational “contrast effect” is a numbing effect where the most

2022-11-06 Randy Gilchrist Dating, Communication
The Degrees of the Celestial Kingdom

The Degrees of the Celestial Kingdom

A doctrinal topic of particular interest to single members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the celestial kingdom. More specifically with this particular article, the differences between the 1st degree of the celestial kingdom will be examined versus the 2nd and 3rd degrees, according to the scriptures. What are these differences and why do they matter to single members? We do know the top degree of the celestial kingdom is for those who have a temple marriage and are

2022-10-30 Randy Gilchrist Spirituality
Weight Loss Ideas

Weight Loss Ideas

Would losing weight help your dating and relationship prospects? Maybe. Probably. Would it also help you to have greater energy, a better mood, and be physically healthier? Yes, definitely. Today in the United States, 2/3 of people are mathematically defined as “overweight” (BMI 25-29) and 1/3 of people are “obese” (BMI 30+). So if you are a part of the 2/3 of people that could stand to lose some weight, hopefully the ideas shared in this little article will help you get started on the path to

2022-10-23 Randy Gilchrist Health and fitness
Conference Quotes, October 2022

Conference Quotes, October 2022

In every general conference, there are great talks and quotes for everyone. And part of that “everyone” includes single members of the church. In this article, as I have done in the past, several quotes of particular relevance, usefulness, and applicability to single members will be shared and reviewed. The spirit of this article’s purpose is contained in this classic truth: “Beware of those who would set up the dead prophets against the living prophets, for the living prophets always take

2022-10-15 Randy Gilchrist Spirituality
Being Happy

Being Happy

I have heard it said before that when we are happy, we better match up with another happy person in a relationship. You give out happiness and then attract it better in return. The happier we are individually, the better the journey will be as a single member of the church as well. That doesn’t mean you don’t desire marriage and companionship. It means you are happy in your current life right now and will be even happier with a positive relationship, commitment, and marriage in the future. So

2022-10-09 Randy Gilchrist Healthy relationships
Initial Impressions

Initial Impressions

I remember reading research stating that the initial impressions we have of others is accurate (meaning, persistent) about 80% of the time. In other words, how a person comes across to us upon our initial meeting with them and as we first begin to get to know them usually continues from there far more often than not. I did a related article on first impressions that you may wish to check out. You can see it here: So, what does

2022-10-02 Randy Gilchrist Dating
Finding Someone Who  Appreciates the Opposite Sex

Finding Someone Who Appreciates the Opposite Sex

The general climate in the world today is, unfortunately, full of negativity and antagonism. The media especially aims to stir and trigger the unpleasant feelings of fear and anger to draw more ratings: viewers, readers, or listeners. The media is a business, so please remember this. To stir this fear and anger, the media commonly places different people into different groups, and then pits these groups of people against each other. The more the media can get different groups to fear and be

2022-09-24 Randy Gilchrist Dating
Hope for Healing

Hope for Healing

In order to have a good future relationship, it is important to heal notable wounds from personal issues, as well as past failed, hurtful, or otherwise frustrating relationships. A few good suggestions for that includes quality self-help materials, individual psychotherapy, group therapy, or meetings with the bishop. In this article I am just going to offer a few general authority/church-based quotes supporting the idea that you can have real hope to heal and have a future healthy, happy

2022-09-19 Randy Gilchrist Psychological health